Join the Guild

I hereby acknowledge that I wish to participate in workshops, courses, meetings and other events held by, sponsored by or co-sponsored by the Vancouver Island Woodworker's Guild (the “Guild”).  I accept all responsibility for, and release the Guild from, any claims, losses, damages or expenses of any kind whatsoever arising out of any injury, loss or death that may occur or arise out of attending or participating in any event held or sponsored by the Guild or while using any equipment at such events.  I will not advance any claims whatsoever against the Guild, its officers, executives, directors, agents or volunteers for any claims, losses, damages or expenses, arising from any cause, including negligence, that may occur at such events.  I will read, understand and sign the “Wood recovery safety guidelines” if involved with the wood recovery program, as well as follow the woodworking safety guidelines as stated in the internet site of the “Canadian Centre of Occupational Safety and Health” ( )at all times while attending any events held or sponsored by the Guild. By attending any VIWG workshop or activity I agree to allow the Guild to use any photographic images which may be taken at such an event for its web page or advertising directly related to Guild programs.
Vancouver Island Woodworkers Guild (VIWG) complies with current legislation, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Document Act (PIPEDA), for the privacy and security of your personal information. VIWG will only use this information for its normal business processes, such as processing the membership form and payment, and communicating notices of activities, and other VIWG information of interest to members. Any use of your personal information, other than noted above, will be approved by you in advance with the VP Membership. For more and current information about PIPEDA, please go to the BC Government, and Industry Canada websites. { max-width: 1000px; } { margin-left: 0px !important; }

These are your options to pay the annual Guild fees of $50.00:

  1. Bring cash or a cheque to the next Guild Meeting. Make the cheque out to VIWG.
  2. Mail a cheque made out to VIWG to:
    3943C Quadra Street
    P.O. Box 30021
    Victoria, B.C. V8X 5E1
  3. PayPal
  4. e-Transfer