Furniture and Cabinet Making

The Furniture and Cabinet Making (UK) magazine is available through the following process. Please read the entire note before clicking on the magazine image at the bottom of the page.

After you have clicked on the magazine image at the bottom of the page, type in the user ID and the password is FCviwg2023.

  • Click on “login” which will take you to the magazine library.
  • Click on the issues you want to read
  • Use the menu of items on the left hand side of the image to navigate the magazine issue
  • When you have finished reading, click on the bottom icon to return to the library (see image below)
  • When you are back in the Library go to the top on the page and click on “My Library & Account” to sign out
  • Click on the browser chevron in the upper left to return to the website ( you may need to click more than once )
Click here to read your issue
Use these icons to navigate magazine
Return to Library
Sign out
Click on image to sign in