
Vancouver Island Woodworkers Guild

I have access to the Internet, please go to the Vancouver Island Woodworkers Guild website ( ) . On the menu to the left you will see “Join the Guild”, this will direct you through the process of joining the Guild. Please fill out the Waiver Form provided.

I do not have access to the Internet. Please provide the information on the form below and fill out a Waiver Form provided.



City:                                                        Postal Code/Zip Code:


Phone Number:

Email address:

Special Interests: check beside items of interest

  • Boxes
  • Furniture
  • Carving
  • Turning
  • Marquetry
  • Executive committee
  • Other

The most important piece of information is your email address. The Guild will send you email updates informing you about your membership status and other Guild information.

Leave completed forms with the VP Membership.

Thank you for your interest in the Guild