Bat Boxes

HAT (Habitat Acquisition Trust) has approached  VIWG and our members to help their non-profit organization build needed bat boxes.

Here is some info on HAT and the bat program:

HAT is a regional land trust that works to protect and conserve nature on Southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. HAT’s mission is to conserve natural areas on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands through protection, collaboration, stewardship and education.

HAT runs the Southern Vancouver Island chapter of BC Community Bat program. This initiative is a network of community bat projects across BC, carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Environment. The goals of the bat program are to increase the number of known roost sites in human-made structures, provide information to the public to help protect bat roost sites, use bat-friendly exclusion methods, and install bat boxes. We also promote the Annual Bat Count each summer, which helps biologists monitor bat populations. 

There are 15 species of bats in BC, and 9 species are found on Vancouver Island. Half of these species are considered at risk. Bats bring many benefits to our ecosystems, such as pest control, pollination, seed dispersal, and even medicine! They are extremely diverse and specialized and are unfortunately threatened by human activity and disease. 

Three species of bats on Vancouver Island will roost in man-made structures such as buildings and bat boxes. HAT provides bat boxes to enhance habitat for bats and provide alternative habitat for bats. We encourage folks to leave bats where they are as long as it is safe. But in some cases, bats must be evicted from people’s homes. Bat boxes are a crucially important habitat feature in the conservation of bat populations. Roosting spaces are in high demand as development increases and the quality of natural habitat declines.  

There are two types of bat boxes.  Maternity and Rocket.  (Plans attached)  This year’s project is looking for about 45 boxes, split evenly between to two types.  Their budget is $110.00 per box.  Materials, priced earlier this month, at big box store prices, are approximately $70.00 taxes in.  With about $40.00 for labour.  Hat is open to timing on delivery, but would like to see completion by mid-August.

HAT will pay for materials by reimbursement of receipts and then the balance as boxes are delivered.

For more information or any questions on the project, contact:
Julianna Laposa-Wilde | Wildlife Stewardship Coordinator | She/Her
Habitat Acquisition Trust | HAT.BC.CA | 250 995.2428
202-661 Burnside Rd East, Victoria, BC
